Wednesday 13 June 2012

How Does It Feel

Logo of the crowd fund organization
Recording for the Dutch crowd funding organization Voordekunst has been wrapped up. It took me two full days to make a simple 2 minute video! I wrote a script, memorized the text but still, it did not come! Take after take. The light shifted, a plane flew over, a pony fell to the floor. It drove me mental because besides all these little errands my left eye got suddenly blood shed red! I felt like Quasimodo, fortunately time was such a pressure cooker that my mind had to stay in a 'I have to move on' mentality. The editing was the same story, the video was to elaborate with a running time towards three minutes while only two minutes are allowed. 'Kill Your Darlings' is what Ken Zeph told me at the first year of DOGtime Rietveld. 

Third take and what I just said still doesn't make sense!
Paradiso was cut out, an audio clip was shortened and the Pony's were not introduced. Rounding the video up and filling in the forms about promotional activities and budget responsibility I shot a quick glance at all the material I had shot during the days. Looking at the shots caused such a big grin that I instantly fell in love with the outtakes. They showed me incredible vulnerable and on a quest for something other than I was receiving! Very refreshing from my presentation at the Elevator Pitch a few weeks ago. It felt like I was caught up in circles. For so many other projects demand my attention right now. And yet this is the most thrilling time of all! Standing in front of the mirror in the morning with hair product on my toothbrush and toothpaste in my hair makes me laugh that THIS is the time of times! And that graduating is not enough, I'm off and rolling, doing what I love best; juggling with all the elements to lay out the foundation of my art practice. Evolve, expand, play, fight, struggle and love.
Lost for words

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